Tick, tock, tick, tock... This is the all too familiar sound of time passing. At least it used to be, before technology replaced analogue with digital. I myself measure time by the numbers seen on a screen in front of me; a lap top, dash board, or the phone in my hand. Admittedly I own a watch (...or 5), but merely for the purpose of accessorising. Although this is not entirely true. There is some sort of classic nostalgia associated with the ticking of a second hand, or the swinging of a pendulum in an old grandfather clock. Growing up I dreamed of owning one of those, spurred on by the countless movies reminiscing times long gone. Slower times, calmer times. Now, I don't think I could stand the ticking. Especially lying in bed...it would disrupt the noise of back firing cars and occasional traffic. Some things are best left in the past.
I think this reflects the 'time' we live in.
Which brings me back to my initial pondering...time. It was spurred by the above images I took whilst having an evening picnic at Blackwattle Bay.
I asked myself, why are we so scared of time? Even the poor mouse who ran up the clock was terrified when the clock struck one. It is an unjust world we live in.
We endlessly hear phrases, mutterings, conversations and even screams about "not wasting time". But I find it hard to comprehend and hence adhere to, since I am still not convinced that any of us knows what that means.
Perhaps it means doing something...wait for it...'Productive' (shudder). Again, define it please. Does it mean working towards a due date? Or sometimes maybe it simply means doing something in general. Yes, we live in a fast paced, technology driven, global community where we need to check emails on the run, update social networks regularly to keep up with goings-on, write in shorthand and with emoticons, and set alarms and reminders for every occurrence...dare we be late! But if this is what it means to 'not waste time' then I rebel!
What happened to quiet time? Alone time? (Dare I say self-discovery.) These are the moments where magic happens. Where inspiration and creativity come alive. Where we can smile because we actually have a moment to enjoy. This to me is definitely not wasting time.
I realised this whilst I was sitting by the water, literally watching time go past. In fact this is one of the strongest and most meaningful memories from my last couple of months.
So perhaps we should all consider for a moment (if you can spare that), what it is we are so afraid of. Take a minute, or an hour, or a day, or however long you need, to stop and let time be your friend...
I prefer to look at it this way:
"We say we waste time, but that is impossible. We waste ourselves." -Alice Bloch
Let us not waste ourselves. And hopefully I have not wasted your time. xox